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Sedat Onat
Apr 15, 20231 min read
FSN Analysis / FNS Analysis
It is an inventory analysis technique that classifies products according to their flow rates. It consists of the initials Fast, Slow, and No
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
DSI - Days Sales of Inventory / Average Age of Inventory
It is an inventory/financial analysis that calculates how many days the relevant stock is converted into sales/production and, therefore, th
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
VED Analysis
Initials of Vital, Essential, and Desirable Words.
An important type of analysis used mainly in the health sector,
Groups pr
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
HML Analysis
H: High Price
M: Medium Price
L: Low Price
It is the price-oriented decision support analysis type of ABC Analysis.
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
Beer Game (Beer Distribution Game)
Beer Game was created in 1960 by MIT Sloan School of Management Lecturer Jay Wright Forester as a result of his System Dynamics research.
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20232 min read
Bullwhip Effect / Forrester Effect (Whiplash, Whipsaw)
It is the fluctuation caused by the coordination problems of the stakeholders within the Supply Chain. MIT Sloan School of Management Lectur
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
GLN – Global Location Number
The GLN (Global Location Number), which is mostly used in E-Commerce and Pharmacies, indicates the legal entity of the related party.
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
COICOP - Classification Of Individual Consumption By Purpose
This code system, published by the United Nations Statistics Unit, aims to classify consumer expenditures (in which income class consumers f
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
KKS Code - Kraftwerk Kennzeichnen System / Identification Systems for Power Plants
It was created to list the equipment in Power Plants and Refineries under a single code set by a committee convened in Germany in 1970 (cons
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
HS Code – Harmonized System Code
In 1988, the World Customs Organization (WCO), member countries (184) created this code list to be used in customs procedures for purposes o
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
SIC Code - Standard Industrial Classification
It is a 4-digit system created by the USA in 1937 to keep track of economic activities in different industries.
The USA, Canada, and Mexic
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20232 min read
GPC - Global Positioning Code
GPC Code Set;
The Brussels/Belgium-based GS1 Community owns it.
It is a code set that has been growing continuously since 2007 and is struct
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20232 min read
UNSPSC - United Nations Standard Product and Service Code
It is a Classification Code, not an Identification Code.
It is a multisector standard
Consists of 2 digits x 4 scatter = 8 digit coding (+ O
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
In cases where sudden changes are seen, it should be taken in order to reduce the Bullwhip Effect,
Fast additional ordering,
Temporary order
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
Cross Docking
To shorten the delivery time, products from suppliers X, Y, and Z are combined as XYZ on a buyer basis without taking them into stock. It is
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
HeadHaul & BackHaul
HeadHaul is the process between the first loading point of the vehicle and the final unloading in Logistics operations.
BackHaul, on the ot
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
The movement of goods is a significant cost item with the lowest added value in all sectors. To minimize the said time and cash costs, compa
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
ISO 3166 - Country Coding System
It is a code system developed for use in official elements such as the license plates of countries. In this way, countries and even cities/s
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
TLC - Total Landed Cost
It is a calculation method that helps to make the right choice among the alternatives by calculating all the direct and indirect costs of a
Sedat Onat
Apr 14, 20231 min read
SCV - Supply Chain Visibility
It is the forward and backward sharing of information between stakeholders within the supply chain in an accurate and timely manner.
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