111 items found for ""
- FSN Analysis / FNS Analysis
It is an inventory analysis technique that classifies products according to their flow rates. It consists of the initials Fast, Slow, and NonMoving. F: Fast S: Slow N: NonMoving Another approach is in the form of FNS; F: Fast N: Normal S: Slow Usage areas; Providing economy by identifying dead stock and rearranging repetitive orders Reducing the movement distances of the products by rearranging the storage areas Reducing inventory holding costs by reducing Dead Stock References https://www.orderhive.com/fsn-analysis-techniques https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/pdf/2018/56/matecconf_aasec2018_14005.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUa4FgeC7u8 https://eprajournals.com/jpanel/upload/850pm_48.EPRA%20Journals-4288.pdf https://www.slideshare.net/Sam8237/analysis-of-invetory-control-techniques-72197233
- DSI - Days Sales of Inventory / Average Age of Inventory
It is an inventory/financial analysis that calculates how many days the relevant stock is converted into sales/production and, therefore, the liquidity of the stock, also known as the Average Stock Age. DSI is also part of the Cash Flow Cycle Analysis. Formula; DSI = ( End of Period Inventory Amount / Cost of Sales ) x 360 or 365 days The resulting figure shows how many days the relevant stock was reset/sold/converted. The resulting number is considered as an indicator of; Low => Danger of insufficient stock High => High inventory holding cost Of course, it is necessary to compare it with the industry standard and competitor company figures and consider the determined business type (Business Model). As with any other analysis, DSI alone cannot paint a meaningful picture. For this, different analysis methods should also be used. For example; DIO Analysis HML Analysis ABC Analysis VED Analysis SDE Analysis FSN Analysis SOS Analysis etc. In addition, different criteria such as drought, virus, war, and possible regulations should be evaluated. References https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/days-sales-inventory-dsi.asp https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/average-age-of-inventory.asp https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cashconversioncycle.asp https://www.investopedia.com/terms/j/jic.asp https://www.readyratios.com/sec/ratio/inventory-turnover/
- DIO - Days Inventory Outstanding
It is a calculation method that calculates how long it takes for the goods in stock and, if possible/necessary, to be converted into sales. General usage is in the form of time spent in a stock account. The goal here is to reduce the cost of holding stock by providing low times. Formula; (Average Stock / Cost of Sales) x Relevant Period Duration Average Stock = (Beginning Stock + End-of-Period Stock) / 2 Or just End-of-Period Stock (from perspective) The period duration is usually calculated as 365days/year or 90days/quarter year. Unless a comparison is made, the result alone will not mean anything because there is no standard for it. The result may vary on the basis of time/sector/country/period. For this reason, it would be more accurate to make a relative and strategy-oriented evaluation rather than making an immediate comparison. The contributions of this calculation are; Measures sales performance, Measures the liquidity of stocks, Measures how many days sales can be made with stocks, Provides control of production and/or stock keeping policy, Provides control of the Minimum Stock policy, It contributes to the investigation of root causes of financing problems. References https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/days-sales-inventory-dsi.asp
- SCOR - Supply Chain Operation Reference Model
It is a model introduced in 1996 that provides a standard methodology for supply chain management aimed at customer satisfaction. Purpose; Establishing a common methodology, terminology and standard concepts to standardize the supply chain so that supply chain processes can be established between suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers Creating an infrastructure for process improvements in supply chain management, making comparisons between process objectives and performance, evaluating chain performance Making sectoral benchmarks Evaluating the competence of communication and information systems suitable for chain processes and determining the desired features from the software required for chain management Building an agile and lean supply chain through process improvements Achieving chain-specific, competitive advantages Benefits; Improves delivery performance Allows stocks to be reduced Causes improvement in cycle times Provides improvements in making accurate predictions Provides overall productivity increase Drives improvement in supply chain costs Improves order fulfillment rate Increases capacity utilization Gains; Optimization of processes Decrease in inventory costs Providing electronic communication with suppliers Reduction in service costs Improvement in customer delivery times Creating a giant supply chain Standardization in processes a common language of communication Performance measurement of processes using metrics Effective use of information technologies according to performance metrics Employees come together for a common goal, hold meetings and receive training, develop corporate culture awareness
- VED Analysis
Initials of Vital, Essential, and Desirable Words. Quality-based, An important type of analysis used mainly in the health sector, Groups products according to their importance. The difference from ABC Analysis; Ordering them per their importance, as the name suggests. Unlike ABC Analysis, makes more qualitative-based grouping. Especially in areas where time is critical, like in the health sector and defense products must be available, When and where they need to be, In the right amount, Ready for use. It should be emphasized again that the relevant product's availability and readiness for use are equally important. ABC-VED Matrix As mentioned above, ABC Analysis makes a quantitative grouping, while VED Analysis is qualitative. By combining these two approaches with ABC-VED Analysis, an even more detailed control mechanism can be established by grouping products based on importance and amount. With the grouping logic in the matrix above, we can reach a more precise picture using total price and volume. References https://www.journalagent.com/shyd/pdfs/SHYD-95867-RESEARCH_ARTICLE-TISINLI.pdf
- HML Analysis
H: High Price M: Medium Price L: Low Price It is the price-oriented decision support analysis type of ABC Analysis. Usage areas; Deciding the stock control range Checking the stock management policy Making approval and delegation decisions References https://www.managementpedia.com/threads/hml-analysis-xyz-analysis.200330/ https://www.slideshare.net/Manjubeth/abc-ved-hml-analysis-in-material-management
- Beer Game (Beer Distribution Game)
Beer Game was created in 1960 by MIT Sloan School of Management Lecturer Jay Wright Forester as a result of his System Dynamics research. The stakeholders of the game; Manufacturer Distributor Supplier Retailer Thanks to this simulation, these topics are unfolded; Importance of fast and accurate transfer of information in decision-making, Whip Effect, which is the result of late or inaccurate information, causes out-of-stock or over-stocking, Increase in stock and logistics costs. Game Links; https://beergame.masystem.se/ https://supplychain-academy.net/beer-game/ https://beergameapp.com/ References https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_distribution_game
- Bullwhip Effect / Forrester Effect (Whiplash, Whipsaw)
It is the fluctuation caused by the coordination problems of the stakeholders within the Supply Chain. MIT Sloan School of Management Lecturer Jay Wright Forrester explained the concept of the Whip Effect in his book Industrial Dynamics (1961) as a result of his System Dynamics research in 1960. Based on the example that the slight fluctuation in the whip stroke creates much larger oscillations in the later stages, a +/- 5% fluctuation in the Supply Chain produces up to 40% irregularity in the downstream stakeholders. Causes of the Whip Effect; (Relative) Slow data transfer between internal and external stakeholders The excess accuracy deviations of the transmitted data Lack of feedback Insufficient stock policies (Minimum Stock, etc.) Frequency of urgent orders Fear of being out of stock Forecast errors (Continuous or periodic uncertainties) Fluctuations in logistics operations (damage, delivery time, etc.) Too fast or slow adaptation of inventory control mechanisms Incorrect setting of lot sizes Inadequate implementation of Just In Time (JIT) Fluctuation in demand due to price fluctuations The results of the Whip Effect; Increased inventory holding costs due to fear of being out of stock Increased logistics and handling costs due to repetitive orders Lost trust as a result of inadequate customer service (internal and external) Loss of profit Measures to be taken against the Bullwhip Effect; Fast and accurate data sharing with all stakeholders in the supply chain (Internal and external stakeholders) Review of inventory management (Minimum Stock, etc.) Updating forecasting and decision support systems Creating a structure that can predict price fluctuations more clearly Correct setting of lot sizes Reducing the stock on the road and controlling the logistics organization Continuously controlled action with the foresight that the Bullwhip Effect will never disappear. To better understand how the Bullwhip Effect problem caused by the weakness of communication and decision support systems creates results in the Supply Chain, you can both have a pleasant time by playing the "Beer Game" game and better understand the causes and consequences of the Bullwhip Effect by visualizing. Links to the Beer Game game where the Bullwhip Effect is simulated; https://beergame.masystem.se/ https://supplychain-academy.net/beer-game/ https://beergameapp.com/ References https://www.sedatonat.com/post/glossary-beer-game-beer-distribution-game https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kam%C3%A7%C4%B1_etkisi
- GLN – Global Location Number
The GLN (Global Location Number), which is mostly used in E-Commerce and Pharmacies, indicates the legal entity of the related party. While codes such as GPC and GTIN identify the product, GLN defines the physical location or unit that holds the product or is requested for the product. Features; Part of the GS1 Standards It has the same code structure as GTIN-13 It consists of 13 characters (7: Company + 5: Location + 1: Check digit) Uses GS1-128 barcode alphabet Indicates the name and other unique information of the number holding organization; Physical address Email address Phone number Tax number Etc. Usage areas; Distinguish the contacted location in EDI transactions Determining from which location the requests from pharmacies come from References http://www.gepir.org.tr/ https://www.gs1.org/1/glnrules/en/rules https://gs1.tobb.org.tr/icerik_goster.php?Id=19 https://eksisozluk.com/gln--1279776 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Location_Number https://www.gs1my.org/sites/default/files/how_to_create_and_use_gln.pdf
- COICOP - Classification Of Individual Consumption By Purpose
This code system, published by the United Nations Statistics Unit, aims to classify consumer expenditures (in which income class consumers focus on which expenses) and compare consumer price indices and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) with other countries. The studies that started in 2011 were concluded in 2018 and put into effect. Code structure; 01 - Department => Food and soft drinks 2 – Group => Soft drinks 1 – Class => Coffee, tea, and cocoa X – Subclass => … References https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classification_of_Individual_Consumption_According_to_Purpose
- KKS Code - Kraftwerk Kennzeichnen System / Identification Systems for Power Plants
The KKS Code; English: Identification Systems for Power Plants, German: Kraftwerk Kennzeichnen System was created to list the equipment in Power Plants and Refineries under a single code set by a committee convened in Germany in 1970 (consisting of engineers, suppliers, and regulators in the energy sector). It is organized based on Function, Type, and Location in accordance with ISO, IEC, and DIN 40719 Part2 (IEC750) standards. Advantages; It helps quickly find the type and approximate location of equipment from the P&I diagram. Purchasing department facilitates communication with Engineering and Construction units. It makes it easy for the cost control department to categorize costs and allows them to compare easily with other projects' budgets. For detailed information, you can refer to the links below; LandsNet http://kkscode.blogspot.com/ Pro-File.com KKS Coding (e-Book) Plant Equipment and Maintenance Engineering Handbook
- HS Code – Harmonized System Code
In 1988, the World Customs Organization (WCO), member countries (184) created this code list to be used in customs procedures for purposes of; determining customs regulations, checking the quotas, enabling statistical reports. The management of the code system is in WCO: World Customs Organization, and the code set is updated every five years. Code structure; - The original is 6 digits. It consists of 21 Sections and 96 Chapters. 1,244 main titles and 5,224 subtitles - Countries are free to add after 6 digits The USA uses the 10-digit code system (HTS Code) (Joined 05.11.1970) Türkiye uses a 12-digit code system (Participation 06.06.1951) - Sample code; 0104. 01 => Live animals 0104 => Live Sheep and goats 0104.10 => Sheep 0104. => Lambs (1 Year Old or Less) HS Code List & HS Search Engine: HS Code, Customs Tariff Number, Taric finder - European Database References https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonized_System